Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I realized today that there is no good way to say "I'm sorry!" when you're driving and you mess up.

Today I cut someone off, or rather I wasn't nice and didn't move over for someone merging into my lane from another highway. I know that technically I have the right of way, but it burns me up when someone does it to me. So, I realized my error, mostly because the guy merged onto the road approximately six inches off of my rear bumper.

I wanted to say "I'm sorry." and I went through the gambit of hand signals I could give. There are a ton to say you're mad, but not one that say "whoops". I suppose I could give a shoulder shrug, but, that more communicates "Hey, thats life."

Again I advocate the little signs in the cars so that we can hold them up to other drivers. That or every car displays a number, so that I can just text them my apologies. However, if we think we have road rage now, could you imagine then?

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